Friday, August 28, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Dinner at Courtney's in Ridge, Maryland
There is no way to describe this well enough with words. You have to experience it. The food is amazing, the location sublime, the waiter is a pirate who has to earn part of his living serving yankees and wincing with the pain this sends through his central nervous system. His only solace was that i lived in louisiana for my formative years. When I mentioned Louisiana, the only other couple in the restaurant, came over to talk. Remarkably, the gentleman is the President of the Environmental school at the University of Maryland and his wife, she reeled, as I did, when we realized that both of our fathers worked at Freeport Sulphur - Freeport Minerals, Freeport McMoran. We even briefly mentioned Moa Bay.
Compare and Contrast
The first school that we visited was the University of Maryland and we walked the 90 minute tour in 90 degree weather. Our tour guide walked it backwards, talked it forward and I wondered why this tour was not reconfigured from the top of the campus down. We were amazed by the scope and expanse of the University but a few hours later when asking O for his reaction he said "antfarm".
We stayed at Woodlawn in Ridge, Maryland. A beautiful home from the 1600's settled on an inlet just off the Potomac, stunningly beautiful. Our host was the former lacrosse coach of Middlebury and U. Del. and his wife had just stepped down from her role as president of St. Mary's - the College that Owen and I were visiting the next day. Good for my soul to be reminded of serendipity.
1868, from Ger. Entropie "measure of the disorder of a system," coined 1865 (on analogy of Ger. Energie) by physicist Rudolph Clausius (1822-1888) from Gk. entropia "a turning toward," from en- "in" + trope "a turning
which brings to mind a John Hiatt song
"It's been a slow turnin'
From the inside out
A slow turnin'
But you come about"